Please use the form below for financial donations made offline (e.g. cheque/money order donations to be mailed).
Click here for online donations made by credit card.
Annex Cat Rescue P.O. Box 19028 360A Bloor Street West Toronto, ON M5S 3C9 CANADA
* required fields
*I will mail a cheque or money order made out to 'Annex Cat Rescue' to the above address.
First name *
Last name *
Company name
Email *
Street Address *
Province/State *
Postal Code *
Donation Amount * $10$20$50$100other
If "other" was selected above, please enter amount:
I require a tax receipt. (Note: tax receipts will only be issued for minimum $10 donations)
Additional comments:
THE ANNEX CAT RESCUE is a Canadian Registered Charity – registration number 871653945RR0001.
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