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Happy Tail: Louise

Louise is a sweet cat with a big heart. This spunky girl came into the ACR’s care and because of her bodacious personality, she immediately won over Marissa, Louise’s foster as well as adopter, making this Happy Tail a “foster fail.”

Marissa has heard many different stories about how Louise ended up in the ACR’s care including a very sad version of how she was locked inside of an apartment, and she cried for attention until somebody noticed. Fortunately, the most accurate version of how Louise came into the ACR’s care was that Louise was living on the streets of Toronto with a litter of kittens and somebody found her and fostered her. When her foster needed to move countries, she contacted ACR.

Louise is a very friendly and kind cat, perfect for Marissa who wanted a beginner friendly cat to foster. Her partner Matt has never fostered or had cats before, so Marissa wanted to make sure his first experience with fostering was good. Fortunately for the two, Louise was too perfect for their first foster experience, that they decided to keep her for good.

Happy Tail: Louise
Happy Tail: Louise

“During the first day of having Louise, Matt would stiffen up when she brushed up on his leg, but by the third day Matt was talking to her in a soft voice,” explains Marissa. Marissa knew that Louise was the perfect cat for them when she came across Matt gazing into her eyes a couple days later.

“We’ve never met a sweeter cat,” says Marissa. Louise has a very large personality and likes to live at large. The orange feline is “very chatty and mumbles to herself when she walks around.” She is also very forgiving and sweet as she doesn’t hold grudges, even though she hates getting her ears cleaned every week by Marissa because the vet said (playfully) that she was “too lazy” to do so herself. Still, she forgets about it immediately. Louise also does many other silly things such as falling asleep on the couch only to promptly fall off it.

Louise has many peculiar pastimes such as only chasing strings with a feather attached to it or howling every night at 9 pm while picking a fight with the carpet. She is also a very ambitious girl, who at some point owned a house, car, bar, ice cream parlour, and grocery store made out of cardboard boxes.

Marissa and Matt are very happy that Louise finally found her forever home and are ecstatic to spend more time with Louise, and Matt even made an Instagram page for Louise @duchesslouise to document her adventures.

-Lucy Chen

Happy Tail: Louise