Happy Tail: Pearl and Trixie
Renee first came across Trixie during her search for a new sibling for her tabby cat named Poundcake. Having a soft spot for grey tabby cats and amazed by her bio, Renee knew Trixie would make a great addition to the household!
When Renee went to meet Trixie, her foster mom Michelle had been taking care of a litter of five kittens. By chance, Renee spotted a tiny kitten with a big pink cast named Pearl. “It was heartbreakingly cute, and she gravitated towards me — snuggling, playing, and showing off,” Renee says. Growing fond of this little kitten, Renee inquired about adopting Pearl as well.

Pearl had a broken leg, and it would be a few more weeks for her to recover and have her cast removed. In the meantime, she continued to be looked after by Michelle. “Pearl had this adorable little cast she wore, and everyone loved her because of her sweet demeanor and ability to cuddle on demand,” Michelle says. Originally, both Pearl and Trixie had been found with their mother outside on the street, and ACR had been contacted to assist them.
Trixie was brought home first, and Renee had intended to slowly introduce her to Poundcake over the next few days. However, the cats were eager to get to know each other, and spent the first few hours meowing at each other and touching paws under the door. Renee cautiously supervised them as she decided to let them get closer. Followed by a few initial hisses and grumbles, they warmed up to each other. “By the second day, they were sleeping wrapped up together and are inseparable; they have this unbreakable bond that I’ve never seen before,” Renee says.
Two weeks later, Renee brought Pearl home. “Pearl’s happy place for the first few weeks was cuddled up in the crook of my neck or elbow,” Renee recalls. After a gradual introduction, the three cats all soon became affectionate with each other.
Pearl is quite the extrovert, and her favourite pastime is being perched on top of narrow surfaces such as the TV and open doors. She also takes joy in crashing Zoom calls and excitedly greets visitors, earning her the nickname “Baby Squeaks.
By contrast, Trixie is a bit more introverted compared to her sister. She is a confident and curious cat that loves to connectwith everyone that visits. “She loves springs, dangly toys, and laser pointers, and lets out a little roar when she attacks, earning her the name Baby T-Rex,” Renee says.
Now that Trixie and Pearl are settled into their home, they are thriving! Along with Poundcake, Renee says the three of them have formed a little crew, and regularly perform treat heists together. Renee says she is ecstatic to have them in her life, and they can often be found comfortably lounging in their cat tree.
-Justina Tran